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Meet Generation Z: Understanding & Reaching the New Post Christian World

James Emery White

Move over Boomers, Xers, and Millennials; there's a new generation--making up more than 25 percent of the US population--that represents a seismic cultural shift. Born approximately between 1993 and 2012, Generation Z is the first truly post-Christian generation, and they are poised to challenge every church to rethink its role in light of a rapidly changing culture.

From the award-winning author of The Rise of the Nones comes this enlightening introduction to the youngest generation. James Emery White explains who this generation is, how it came to be, and the impact it is likely to have on the nation and the faith. Then he reintroduces us to the ancient countercultural model of the early church, arguing that this is the model Christian leaders must adopt and adapt if we are to reach members of Generation Z with the gospel. He helps readers rethink evangelistic and apologetic methods, cultivate a culture of invitation, and communicate with this connected generation where they are.

Pastors, ministry leaders, youth workers, and parents will find this an essential and hopeful resource.

Organic Mentoring

Sue Edwards & Barbara Neumann

We are experiencing a mentoring crisis today. One key reason is that too many women cling to an outdated formulaic idea of what mentoring is all about. When we hear the word "mentoring” we conjure up a picture that fit our experience decades ago. Then we look in the mirror and don’t see an adequate mentor staring back at us. Our preconceived ideas about what today’s young women want in a mentor convince us we are not qualified to be mentors—but we are wrong. What we don’t realize is that younger women today are far more likely to want a relationship with that woman in the mirror than the conjured-up perfect mentor in our head.

Organic Mentoring explores foundational issues that explain why beloved but outdated mentoring methods are no longer effective. The book looks at the cultural changes and fast-paced digital advancements that shape young thought and behavior but weaken the link between generations. It walks through the new values, preferences, ideas, and problems of the next generation and how these issues impact mentoring. Then the authors guide the reader through landmines to avoid and approaches that work today.

Mentor for Life

Natasha Sistrunk Robinson & Elisa Morgan

Though churches are filled with good ministry programming--activities, outreach events,and an endless selection of options--many churches neglect their fundamental mission: to make disciples and equip them for service. All humans are asking the same fundamental question: "What is my life's purpose?" Through the pursuit of Christ and with a focus on his kingdom work, we find the answer to that question. Mentoring for God's kingdom helps us find our purpose and prepares us to lead well.

In Mentor for Life, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson lays a solid foundation for mentoring as intentional discipleship, within the context of a small community. It is based on God's kingdom vision, and challenge followers of Christ to consider the cost of discipleship. 

Leaders in the American church is facing various challenges regarding the changing demographics and cultural climate in the world, and the discipleship crisis within the church. We must rise to meet these challenges, and develop creative ways of equipping all believers to mentor well. Mentor for Life shows how to develop mentoring relationships that function communally in existing small groups that are diverse and inclusive. It also presents a mentoring framework of knowing and loving God, understanding our identity in Christ, and loving our neighbor, which encourages theological reflection and cultivates a basic Christian worldview.

Filled with examples from Robinson's experience in the military and business world,this resource gives readers the wisdom and practical insight they need to disciple others. It proves an invaluable resource for pastors, small group leaders, seminary professors, and those who desire to take the initiate, make the commitment, and mentor others well.

That Makes Two of Us: Lifestyle Mentoring for Women

Connie Witt & Cathi Workman

Mentoring can happen when you simply go out for coffee, catch a movie, drive to the airport, visit a favorite store, or walk around your neighborhood. (Just think of anything two people can do together.) 

Sound too easy to be true? It isn't.

Let God use you right now...just as you are.

Discover an exciting way to mentor the younger women in your life and those to come! Connie s approach is not the bland & basic match-you-with-a-mentor program, and there s no formal structure to follow. 

Learn how to watch for God moments & lifestyle connections with other women. You ll gain lots of ideas and up-to-date research as Connie busts popular mentoring myths and empowers you to invest in other women through relationship. 

It s fun! Not time-consuming, not expensive. You don t need to have an endless supply of wisdom or know the Bible inside & out. You just need to be available, ready to listen & share, and willing to walk through life situations with another person.

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