Bubble Wrap, Barracks, or Battle?
“Guess what happened today in health class, Mom? It’s really bad, but don’t freak out,” says my son. All I can think is, “Did the teacher...

The Preschool Fail
I should have known. I don’t know why I was surprised, or why I cried for 2 days and saw my life as over, but I did. My 4 year old failed...

If God Gives Good Gifts, Why Do I Struggle To Accept Them?
My car has had a brake problem for months. Sometimes they work, and other times, not so much. This is a little unnerving, to say the...

Adventures in the Harris School of Animals: The Day of the "D" in PE, Part 2
Three days into motherhood, I wondered, “Where will this kid go to school in 5 years? Public? Private? Dare I...(gasp)... homeschool him?...

Groundhog Day: A Lesson in Having the Day of My Life, Over & Over Again
I wake up. Drag out of bed. Drink coffee. Kiss kids. Shower (maybe). Get dressed (also optional). Check email and Facebook.(No one else...

The Helicopter Parent Accusation
Jeff just called me a Helicopter Parent. ME? Seriously? He just picked a fight with one pissed off mother. There is NO WAY I’m a...

The I-phone Intervention
I didn’t think it was possible for a pre-schooler to have addictions. I was wrong. The I-Phone has won his heart. And every minute of his...

A Practice Story To Make Donald Miller Proud
I had the opportunity to go on the KLOVE cruise last February with my husband and some friends to the Bahamas. I was looking forward to...

Labor Pains: Birthing A Church
Here is an article I wrote in 2002 about Church Planting and published in The Christian Standard. For those of you who attend InRoads,...

Zach's Mom Confesses
I’m tired of being Zach’s mother. He’s so needy, always wanting something from me. This morning it was breakfast. And if I muster enough...