The Blog Post That Explains Why I Didn't Write A Blog
Why is writing so hard? I mean, for the love! Seriously! What is wrong with me? I thought I loved writing, or is it, I love to have...
Clay Pot Confession
Who knew God would choose THAT moment? You know. The one that causes twitching, and gagging just a little. That shaming dark moment...
Your Story Reveals God’s
As fall approaches, I miss my home in Colorado. The leaves will be changing soon, and locals will spend weekends driving up into the...
Your Story Matters
In 2009, I read a book by Donald Miller called, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. He tells a story about being a New York Times best...
Why I Haven't Blogged In A Year
It’s been a year. I assumed I would blog my way through it, telling my story of that first year back teaching in 16 years. Nope. Not one...
...And Onto The Water, Part 3.
This journey. This jumping out of the boat to walk on water and not drown in my own doubts that God might not be there has been...
Off the Deep End… Part 2
I jumped. I’ll admit, it wasn’t a full on courageous jump, as if I were really going to walk on water with Jesus. It was more of a...
Ready To Fall, Part 1
I’m going to be homeless in 3 weeks. Not the typical kind of homeless where you get kicked out because you can’t afford it anymore and...
An Illuminated Life: Bringing Out The God Colors
Who cries watching American Idol? Um, I did. Yep. Bawled like a baby. Ever had a moment when God entered a room unexpectedly? Kind of...
Bubble Wrap, Barracks, or Battle?
“Guess what happened today in health class, Mom? It’s really bad, but don’t freak out,” says my son. All I can think is, “Did the teacher...